Willowdale Hall of Fame item: Loblaws. Located at the west end of Bayview Village, Loblaws shared anchor duties wth K-Mart to the east end. Loblaws was the go-to Grocery Store in the iconic “once outdoor” shopping centre for those that lived int he surrounding area. It was easy for families year ’round to shop at Loblaws back in the day, in the summer, as the parents shopped, kids could freely ride their bikes and skaeboards around the shopping concourse – and in the winter, there was no shortage of kids climbing and sliding down the big snow mountain lowed into the center of the mall by the mall’s resident snow plow driver. Loblaws continues to anchor the modern day Bayview Village, thats a good run for the genertions of Willowdaler’s.

T-Shirt: $30+shipping
Mug: $24+shipping
Sweatshirt: $42+shipping
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