Mac’s T-Shirt

Mac’s T-Shirt

Willowdale Hall of Fame item: Mac’s. Another neighbouhood staple nestled within the residential confines of Willowdale, (south of Mings, closer to Sheppard) on the south/east corner of Hollywood & Willowdale Ave. Many a bag of BBQ chips, chased with a carton...
K Mart T-Shirt

K Mart T-Shirt

Willowdale Hall of Fame item: K Mart. Anchoring Bayview Village on the east end of the plaza, Kmart was one of the greatest discount department stores around. They had everything from bicycles to clothes that changed with the seasons, from T-Shirts to ski jackets,...


Willowdale Hall of Fame item: Soles Sporting Goods was the go-to store on the central/west side of Willowdale for all your sporting goods needs from hockey and skiing, to skateboards and baseball bats. This store was also unique in the way that they had a “USED...
Fire Pit T-Shirt

Fire Pit T-Shirt

Willowdale Hall of Fame: The Fire Pit Restaurant, a staple for late night snacking and incoherant socializing for the many that could make their way over to Yonge Street after a long night of stupidity. What a great place this was to fill your belly before finally...
Willowdale Boys Club T-Shirt

Willowdale Boys Club T-Shirt

Willowdale Hall of Fame item: Willowdale Boys Club. You either know about the Willowdale Boys Club… or you don’t?  This was Willowdale’s premier neighbourhood hockey league, it was based out of Bayview Arena, located just north of Finch Ave. on...